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How to Check PC Computer CPU Performance



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Windows 10 is a dynamic system that runs easily on 32 and 64-bit architectures even with processors not as powerful as the current ones, but some users may have problems with overheating of the CPU , or processor, even with a newly installed operating system, which is not It is neither logical nor correct.


In this case we can carry out direct tests on the performance of the processor since in this way we rule out a failure in said component, which is delicate since it is a vital part for the optimal functioning of the entire operating system, in this case Windows 10. but it affects all current systems. When carrying out the test we must take into account aspects such as: The operating system becomes unstable or unstable while under stress.

  • The system crashes or not during the test.
  • During the CPU stress test time, the computer is rebooted or not.
  • CPU overheating and shutdown may or may not occur during such a test.


It is ideal to know the possible causes in advance and thus not have to buy a new processor for not having taken the necessary precautions .


TechnoWikis today will analyze how we can carry out this task in a simple and practical way. Remember that for optimal results, the stress test should be carried out for an extended period of time (at least 3 hours) under the maximum CPU usage load.




Initial tips
To carry out this type of tests we must use third-party applications to guarantee the best results, but we must take the following into account:
  • Close all unnecessary programs to put the entire power level on the load test.
  • Disable sleep mode in the power settings, as the computer stress test takes a long time to complete and sleep will affect your result.
  • Monitor system temperature with free tools while we load test your computer in order to prevent damage, the maximum recommended temperature for CPU is 70°C and for GPU, it is 100°C.




Perform performance test using Prime95

Prime95 has been developed for stress testing or maximum performance of a CPU since its inception, especially focused on overclockers and system builders.


This software makes heavy use of the processor's integer and floating-point instructions, feeding the processor a consistent and verifiable workload to test the stability of the CPU and processor L1/L2/L3 cache. Additionally, it makes use of all cores in a multi-CPU or multi-core system to ensure a high-load stress testing environment.


Step 1

Its download is available at the following link:



Step 2

At the time of its execution we will see the information about the current processor of the computer:




Step 3

There we can modify the usage values ​​and click on Ok to confirm. Later we will see the following window where we will define the users and the type of work to be carried out:




Step 4

We click on OK and the analysis process will begin:





Perform performance test using HeavyLoad

HeavyLoad is one of the best full load performance testers ideal for IT professionals and support staff.


You can test everything including CPU, RAM, device storage memory and graphics, and it will be possible to perform individual or full stress test.

Step 1

Its download is available at the following link:



Step 2

It is advisable to run a CPU temperature monitor software along with HeavyLoad while stress testing the CPU.


Once downloaded, we proceed to install and execute it and this will be the environment offered:




Perform performance test using AIDA64 Extreme

AIDA64 Extreme features a one-of-a-kind hardware detection engine, which provides detailed information about installed software and offers diagnostic functions and overclocking support.


Since you're monitoring sensors in real time, you can collect accurate readings of voltage, temperature, and fan speed, while diagnostic features help detect and prevent hardware problems.

With AIDA64 Extreme we will also have a couple of benchmarks available to measure the performance of individual hardware components or the entire system. It is compatible with all 32-bit and 64-bit editions of Windows, including Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016.


Step 1

We can download it at the following link:



Step 2

With AIDA64 we will have a trial version for 30 days. When we run the application we will have the opportunity to see detailed information about all the system components:



Step 3

To start the tests we will click on the icon that we see and there we will click on Start to start the testing process.




Perform performance test using IntelBurnTest

It is a program that simplifies the use of Intel® Linpack, Intel® Linpack is an extremely stressful program that tests X86/X64 CPU processors to the maximum.


The charging temperature under Linpack will be up to 22*C higher than that of Prime95 software.

Step 1

Its download is available at the following link:



Step 2

Once executed, it is portable, we can select the stress level and click Start to start the testing process:




We can count on these practical tools to check the performance level of the CPU and thus determine possible failures that affect the operating system.

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